Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rewards of long-term mentoring

Today there was an inspiring article in the StarTribune, “Creating the ties that bind”. It was a great reminder of the power of long-term mentoring. To really make a real difference in the life of another, and in turn our own, we need to make a significant investment of ourselves. Hats off to Gayle and Susan who invested themselves for the past 28 years in the lives of Tara and Debra. The fruits of their giving are abundant. And as is often the case through giving they received even more in return!

There are hundreds of young people eagerly awaiting mentors, especially boys, many who have been waiting well over a year to have a special adult friend of their own. A wide array of mentoring opportunities for individuals, couples and families are available. Learn more about a mentoring program that would be right for you through the Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota,