Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tiger & Brett watchers, consider being a hero yourself!

It is amazing the attention that Tiger Woods and Brett Favre have drawn from people here in Minnesota and beyond.

I’m quite sure Tiger and Brett really don’t need our attention, they’re doing just fine. However there are scores of kids throughout our neighborhoods who are falling through the cracks. Unlike sports celebrities they are starved for attention. Without intervention they might well end up dropping out of school, become unemployable, end up in prison, and remain on a track of hopelessness.

By befriending a child in need you can perhaps introduce a sport to the next Tiger or Brett. Better yet, your interest in a child’s education just might inspire him/her to improve grades and graduate on time with the rest of the class.

One cool thing about mentoring is that you don’t have to be uber talented to be a hero for a kid. All that is needed is to be dependable and share your interest in their development. Mentors are typically matched with kids based on their interests and location.

Not able to make a commitment to mentoring? Consider coaching, tutoring or simply getting to know the names of kids in your neighborhood and greeting them by name. You can even make a difference by smiling at teens you see at the mall.

Don’t settle for being a hero watcher when you can BE a hero. Email Kinship today to find out how you can befriend a child near you,

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